Devil's Waterhole, Inks Lake and Inks Lake State Park

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We launched at the Inks Lake State Park boatramp, I think the only public boat ramp on Inks Lake. Nice double ramp with docks at a good height is in a large cove with the Devil's Water Hole at the eastern end. In this video we sailed from the ramp into Devil's Waterhole. We saw a two blue herons, turtles, numerous cormorants and two kayakers. There are many submerged rocks and shallows up this way, so it's no place for a keel boat.

There is a scenic overlook on Hwy 29 to see the Devils Waterhole from above
Devil's Waterhole

Devil's Waterhole Video, 13.5 MB
Click to start video

The park store, with canoe, kayak and paddleboat rentals, was conveniently located near the boat ramp and the center of most of the campsites. Ink's Lake State Park store

Click on the area you'd like to visit next:

1. From the boat ramp to the Devils Waterhole.

2. From the Devils Waterhole to the Hwy 29 Bridge.

3. The west shore, across the lake from the state park, Camp Longhorn to the dam.

4. The southeastern shore of the state park.

5. The grandkids first sail.

Pictures and video taken with the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ2.

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