The Flying Scot is my favorite daysailer. 19' long, 6'9" wide and weighing 850 pounds, the Flying Scot is roomy, stable and fast. Drawing only 8.5" of water when empty, you truly can sail a Flying Scot in about 12" of water with the centerboard all the way up. 191 square feet of sail and a 200 square foot spinnaker provide plenty of power.
Video explaining the rigging on a 2006 Flying Scot, 111 MB
Broadband only, click on the picture to start the video.
Video of 2008 Flying Scot #5815
Short Flying Scot video:
Click Play button,(maybe twice) to start the video.
In the menu top or bottom select the make of boat or the first letter of the boats name. For example: The Chrysler Buccaneer could be under B or C or Chrysler.
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