2005 BOOTS 3, a gathering of trailer sailors at Preston Bend Recreation Area on Lake Texoma

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Lake Texoma We're doing the Bail Out On Texoma Sailfest again in 2005 on September 16-18 at Preston Bend Recreation Area on Lake Texoma. A just for fun gathering of trailor sailors.
Plans are in the works. All fees reported here are from last year, and may have increased. However, it should give a guideline for this year's. We aren't sure yet what the schedule is going to be. Everyone wants MORE time and MORE sailing. Geez, 17 miles in an afternoon, and more the next day wasn't enough?
Hoping it's even better in 2005.
Hope to see you there. Please drop me an email if you plan on going so I can keep a roster. Include your names, boat names, a cell number, and whether you are staying in the cove on your boat, a campsite, or other facility. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING YOUR OWN RESERVATIONS! However, I do like to keep tabs on how many to plan for so we can give the park a heads up. Email Jan at janpittard@verizon.net
Lake Texoma map

Lake Texoma

Preston Bend campsite

Preston Bend Recreation Area Lake Texoma

Tentative Schedule of Events:
Several are coming early on Thursday to set up and get some extra sailing time in. My plan is to bring the daysailer that evening, but I have to go home for the kids/school. I'm planning on being there Friday morning as soon as they are gone to school assuming I can get the day off.
So: Friday am: Early birds can play in the cove, go to North Island, or go have lunch at Grandpappy's and sail back for evening gathering around the campfire. Last year the weather was very hot on Friday evening, but the low country boil was pretty good, followed by dutch oven cobbler. Not sure we are doing a big cooking this year, but everyone likes to socialize, so maybe a potluck or something. Stay tuned, planning is in the works.
Saturday: Sail more, eat more, socialize more. Likely a trip over to North Island for the bigger boats, and the more brave of the smaller boats.
Sunday: Sail as you want to, pull your boat as you need to.
BOOTS is very flexible, and the first two years, whether you wanted to daysail and stay in the cove, or go with a group to do something, there was usually something to do. The comaraderie of sailors getting together to have fun, meet, and greet and learn from each other are what this event is all about.

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Preston Bend campsite