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1971 Butterfly
Length 12'2", 11'11" excluding rub rail
hull depth 15"
draft dagger board 2'
hull weight 135#
crew capacity 600#
sail area 75sf
mast length 18'
draft 2'2"
This boat is in remarkable condition for her age.
Like new sail
upgraded to Harken blocks and Holt Allen smart ratchet
All standing and running rigging in good shape
She can be car-topped but does come with trailer. I will keep the trailer and deduct from price if you prefer
Boat can be set up and ready to sail in a few minutes
New boat cover
Mast separates into 2 sections for transport
David I traded the Butterfly for a Rocketa motorcycle today. The value should be $1200.00 for your records. Please cancel the add and thanks for your help
Bacliff, Texas
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