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1985 Coronado 15
Trapeze rigged with a harness included. Trap height is fully adjustable
and has handles on each side.
6:1 Boom vang (led aft to helmsmen)
2:1 Outhaul
Cunningham ("downhaul" led aft to helmsmen)
4:1 Mainsheet with split attachment to straddle tiller
Centerboard control line (led aft to helmsmen).
New rudder
New tiller with tiller extension
New shrouds installed last season
New main halyard installed last season
New centerboard hanger brackets installed last season
All running rigging is color coded Dacron only 2 years old!
4 hiking straps running the length of the cockpit
Full length boat cover
Main and 100% Jib with Mylar window (both in decent shape)
Newer Shore Lander trailer in EXCELLENT condition
All in all, this is a very nice boat in excellent condition. It needs
absolutely nothing and is ready to go. I have never seen any water in the
bilge - it is very tight. The boat and trailer only weigh about 800 lbs
combined so it can be pulled easily with any small car.
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