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1969 Porpoise
rated for 3 people but more comfortable for 2.
14 feet and a few inches, so there is a title(clear) and can be transported in a van or on the rack of a pick-up truck(I've done both).
roughly 5' wide at the mast
self bailing
made in Michagan by the Molded Products Company, div of Trio manufacturing. Now out of production, but sails are still available online.
This boat is very easy to handle, my 14 yr old son can do it, I'm sure you could too.
This boat is simalar to a sunfish but a little larger
rudder/tiller is custom made to fold for storage
sail works fine, but it the original and it could use a little sailtape at one edge.
hull is yellow with white, sail has some stains
ready to have fun now
No trailer.
Thank you for running your ad. The boat sold months ago, and I though I cancled all ads.
Columbus, Ohio
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